Is Cannabis a Consumer Packaged Good? | Cannabis as a CPG
Legal Cannabis as a CPG

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably seen (or even tried!) a product infused with CBD - it's a billion dollar cannabis industry! Long heralded as the property of cannabis that “heals”, cannabidiol is growing in popularity. In fact, major food and beverage companies and brands -- including Ben and Jerry's, Coca-Cola, Hershey Co., and General Mills -- have shown interest in incorporating CBD into their products.
Cannabis, particularly CBD, is no longer a product consumers use in secret. Now that it is legal in almost every state, you can guarantee that more and more CBD-infused products will pop up on the shelves. So, what does this mean for the billion-dollar consumer packaged goods CPG cannabis industry? Read on to learn more.
It All Started With The 2018
Farm Bill Impacting CBD Market

Although it did not legalize cannabis to the level it’s legalized today (cannabis with THC was still illegal!), it did pave the way for a billion products containing CBD to become more mainstream and make their way into the legal cannabis market. Without the 2018 Farm Bill, cannabis as a consumer packaged goods CPG wouldn’t exist.
Snacks As A Consumer
Packaged Good
Whether customers are snacking ON cannabis or snacking AFTER they use cannabis, one thing is for sure: the legalization of American and Canadian cannabis will increase the demand for packaged snack foods in one way or another.

The Cannabis Market And Customers
Are Diverse
The other important thing to consider is that mainstream cannabis consumers are super diverse. Although the average cannabis consumer is men and women in their early 40s, individuals as young as 18 and as old as 100+ use cannabis, either in its flower form or in more mainstream lotions or foods infused with CBD and THC.

Although 26% of consumers purchase their products at a dispensary, 18% purchase them online and 9% at the grocery store. All this to say: as with other CPGs, how you package and present your product to the public is essential. The cannabis market is saturated with competition, so standing out from the crows through superior and stylish packaging is a must.
Cannabis As a CPG FAQ’s
Q. Who is the typical cannabis consumer?
Q: What is a CPG business?
Q: Which state consumes the most cannabis?
Q: What do cannabis consumers want?
Q: Which country consumes the most cannabis?
Q: What age group uses cannabis the most?
Don’t forget retail cannabis itself as a CPG

Trust CarePac With Your Cannabis Packaging

All our packaging can be custom ordered or, for quicker delivery, purchased in standard sizes. Want to learn more? Reach out to us today, or get an Instant Quote now.