Credentials and Compliance
We’re Committed to Providing Safe, Compliant and Quality Flexible Barrier Packaging
The documents below cover many of the most common compliance document requests we receive. Any affirmative statements in these documents are made based on our research, and 1st tier vendor statements, true to the best of our knowledge, at the time of writing.
While unexpected, it is possible that the validity of the statements in the documents could change. It is the customer’s sole responsibility to determine suitability of our products for their application based on their own testing and determinations.

21 CFR 73 Food Contact Letter

RoHS CONEG Statement

REACH Compliance Statement

MSDS Statement

Swiss Ordinance SR 817.023.021

EU-10/2011 Compliance Declaration

Proposition 65 Statement

Chlorinated Substances

Bisphenol A / Phthalates
Animal Origins TSE / BSE
21 CFR 1700 ASTM D3475

ISO 9001 : 2015
ISO 9001: 2015 is s set of Quality management system standards that help systematically improve client satisfaction. ISO certification has been a goal of our company from the beginning.

FDA Approved
The FDA sets various standards for direct and indirect food contact materials. CarePac offers materials, which according to our material suppliers meet applicable FDA standards.

Toxics In Packaging Compliant
This legislation limits the incidental presence concentration of several substances like lead, mercury, cadmium, and hexavalent chromium in any packaging or packaging component.

The Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive 2002/95/EC, short for Directive on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances by the European Union.

Compostable Plastics
CarePac Offers a selection of bioplastic based materials which according to our film suppliers can variously meet or exceed the standards OK compost "HOME" and OK compost "Industrial" standards.

Certificate of Conformance
This legislation limits the incidental presence concentration of several substances like lead, mercury, cadmium, and hexavalent chromium in any packaging or packaging component.

Bisphenol A / Phthalates
We exclusively work with film supplier who offer BPA free materials. Avoiding BPA and Phthalate exposure is of high interest to many of our customers.

Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals is a European Union regulation similar to FDA and Toxics in packaging. Listing a number of chemicals and their permissible limits.

Prop 65
This legislation limits the incidental presence concentration of several substances like lead, mercury, cadmium, and hexavalent chromium in any packaging or packaging component.

Swiss Ordinance 817.023
Swiss ordiance 817.023 relates to the chemicals used in printing inks for both non-food contact and food contact surfaces and materials. This regualtion is issued by the Swiss Fed. Dept. of Home Affairs.

Based on 1st tier supplier statements CarePac's products and materials are not of animal origin do not contain, make use of, or involve, at any point of their manufacturing processes, raw materials of animal origin.

16 CFR 1700
CarePac Offers Child Resistant style zippers and single use child resistant configurations which have been tested in accordance with AST D3475-18 to comply with 16 CFR 1700 including part 1700.15 and 1700.20
CarePac VS The Competition
At CarePac we are always striving to improve the quality of our service and products.